Le jeu some distance Cry 2 s'offre un patch non-officiel

Boggalog suggest tout simplement un patch non-officiel pour un jeu du studio Ubisoft, some distance Cry 2. L'information pourrait sembler incongrue, pourtant cela n'est pas du tout une nouveauté, certains se souviendront du portage douteux d'un definite GTA IV sur nos machines, la stabilité de ce dernier fut largement amélioré par des patchs issus de la communauté, particulièrement lively. Dans un autre registre, bon nombre de mods améliorent l'factor visuel de jeux et corrigent souvent quelques bugs.

Ce patch promet de corriger de nombreux bugs d'affichages, liés aux éclairages, ombres... et d'améliorer le rendu des armes.

jeuvideo farcry2

a long way Cry 2 Unofficial Patch unlock Notes


  • -FPS capped to 60 – fixes bouncing NPCs and a host of other concerns.
  • -removed the weird line close to the participant the place high quality shadows become low nice.
  • -removed rim lights that made the player blue at nighttime.
  • -a little greater draw distance and LOD when the usage of 'Geometry – ultra excessive' and 'Terrain – extremely high'.
  • -My very own 'colourful far Cry 2' reshade configuration. this is a long way Cry 2 with shiny colorings, very fundamental without a further publish-processing.
  • Weapons
  • -Renamed the 'Eagle .50' to the 'wasteland Eagle' and the 'native land 37' to the 'Ithaca 37'. removed pointless hyphens from others.
  • -'Creeping' has been introduced to the machete so you can stroll at half velocity through maintaining the iron sight button. This enables stealth when the usage of mouse and keyboard.
  • -DLC weapons had been delivered to the ammo enhancements.
  • -DLC weapons' reliability have been tweaked to healthy the upgraded vanilla weapons.
  • -Explosive crossbow bolts now hearth in an arc.
  • -The sawed-off shotgun now makes use of shotgun ammo.
  • -The sawed-off shotgun now fires 14 pellets in one shot, because it fires two shells at once.
  • -fastened the MAC-10 being silent.
  • cars
  • -Windshield bullet holes at the moment are everlasting.
  • -DLC cars now are available in a lot of shades.
  • -mounted the lacking large Truck engine sound.
  • -also mounted the hang glider being pushed into doing loops when shot.
  • -mounted the dangle glider bouncing on water.
  • -also fixed the being capable of see the edges of the player's hands when the usage of dangle gliders.
  • Gameplay
  • -fixed assassination targets having the equal vision as snipers.
  • -stronger stealth – decreased enemy perception pre-fight by using 20%.
  • -Restored the notorious difficulty critical curative animations.
  • -eliminated the flashing shop reminder from safehouse map icons.
  • -mounted mouse velocity clamping.
  • -mounted the Jackal tape malicious program where the tenth tape repeats and you'll't hear the closing ones.
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