Transformers battle for Cybertron: Siege discussion Thread

...i was at peace. I did not want a brand new Shockwave, I mentioned. My DotM one became fine even despite his now not splendid fingers, I referred to. I restrict myself to buying two full-price leader figures a yr anyway, so i was already performed. The Siege Shockwave appeared like a pretty good figure, but I did not need an improve.

but just couldn't let me have that may you. You needed to plant doubt in my mind. You had to allow me. And Siege Shockwave will be right here Friday, because that rate became first rate enough to justify it.

STARGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE! *shakes fist at sky*


emlit wrote:What Deluxe or Voyager category figure is a can't-miss in the Siege line for you?

well I do not need any Voyagers yet, as the just one's i'll be getting are Apeface, Soundblaster, and the Rainmakers, however of them i'm most impatient for noted Rainmakers. As for Deluxes, if I must select ones I already have then Sixgun or Ironhide, but when or not it's everyone then Spinister and scorching Shot are who i'm most excited about presently.

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